Showing posts with label Fusepo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fusepo. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fused plastic portrait 2

I am wondering about creating a Victorian photo album of fused plastic portraits? How would that work? Or are these icons? Should the people be real or imagined - they have been invented so far...   What other materials would I need?  Would it be interesting?

I have a new sewing machine and I'm not sure what I was doing wrong yesterday but the stitches were not right.  Today it worked dreamily. I even used the knee lift! I will have to go back and prick out the other stitches and correct...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back with my internal landscape

Getting accustomed to Maine time happens on a number of levels.  There is the physical shift from Greenwich Meantime to Eastern Standard Time; there is the totally open-endedness of time that five weeks brings; but also, time is never really your own when you are with lots of people you love.  I am thinking that I will make a new book for Cheryl Penn's project an Encyclopaedia of Everything entitled Maine Time - my last book to Cheryl was about tree time

Maine always seems to be a fertile place for me, so many memories, associations and a landscape of endless inspiration.  On the first morning as I 'came too' in the light of the barn, far too early but what was my morning... 
Daybreak swim through night-tide
daylight punctuation
 diamond barn ends
The sound of unfamiliar gulls

I was talking to Susan Landor Keegin last night about how one can't really plan what inspires and how that can result in a 'messy' (conflicted) range of images that don't seem to go together.  It's no surprise I began with figurative pastels and abstract fused plastic.

View from Barn Window -pastel on paper 7.5 X 10"

Maine landscape 2013 (1) -fused plastic 7.5 X 5.5

Maine landscape 2013 (2) fused plastic 5 X 4.5

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fusepo story

In this house newly discovered plastic provides speculation, discovery and sometimes new ideas. We've had a few barbecues lately (the weather is amazing at the moment) and with a different range of food comes different packaging, different plastic.  I also thought to use bag seams. While we've enjoyed the summer evenings , I've had even less time with my iron, my paints, my glue stick.  In one stolen evening I tested a few new plastics and incorporated the paste papers I have been making. 

The interplay between images and words, always there for me, came out differently here.

A day without clouds

A day without clouds in the rearview mirror.
Some after image of museum trays,
lost objects catching light through dust.
I turn the mirror slowly refracting the angle
to configure a hedge, pond repetitions,
embers burning their opaque blue.
The whole androgyny of twilight or morn
dappled in moons.  And then
a bird raises its newspaper wings and sings.

Fusepo story 1
10th July, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

'Fusepo' response

I'm beginning to feel as if I am painting with plastic.  I guess it's like any material, you get to know it and you can use it as your handwriting. 

Yesterday we took the train back from Exeter.  I had my little zipper bag of mail art materials and on the second train we had a table to ourselves so I collaged. Last night between activities I spent a bit of time in the studio with my iron and some of the plastic I foudn in Exeter.  I wanted to capture the (poetry) the colour  and feeling of the collage in fused plastic: FUSEPO.