Wednesday, May 1, 2013

They warned me I'd have to choose

My Academe Mind

Splintering, unfettering, my academe mind
is choking on words.
I watch it slip, drip, congeal,
coagulate in dark flaky patches
on the parquet floor.
Mono-syllabic as a prick of blood,
I think anecdotally, unquantifiably
eye off the lure, beyond the school,
bashing ideas in fish tail swipes,
gulping sea mouths of Harmattan sand. 

RG May 1st, 2013

I have been two-footedly in the visual world lately. It's as though my thinking brain is atrophying and if I try to think about anything too deeply it's disorienting.  It has been a long time since I lived in my head in that way. Today I found a whole bunch of notes from my dissertation. They were precise and  thoughtful. The primary material was fabulous but I had to read it a few times to remember the significance and to glean the meaning.  I spend lots of time convincing others that the visual and written can converge but when you are two-footed in one it's harder to shift than you think.


Unknown said...

I just looked at this again after reading some more of that stuff by the poet who lived in my future house. There's something astonishingly visual about this; you can sense painting and observing. I've had to study poetry by Francis Ponge for the past few days and he talks a lot about the thing that grants us power over objects is language. I think he has two feet in the literary world. Anyway, it was refreshing to read something that combines the two.

Rebecca said...

Thanks for your vote of confidence. Perhaps Patricia's right and I can say it best with words.