Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A day of portraits

1st pull Stacey, akua intaglio on paper 10 x 15 cm
2st pull (with added ink) Stacey, akua intaglio on paper 10 x 15 cm

final print (press and release agent) Stacey, akua intaglio on paper 10 x 15 cm
I was surprised how straight-forward it was to make monotypes and to paint on a couple of prepared panels with egg tempera in a group portrait setting.  Of course, I forgot a few things and had to find solutions…  

I covered a board with cling film (which I had brought) to use as a mixing tray as I had forgotten those..  I didn't have my spoon or barren so used the back of a fingernail brush and then a metal teaspoon to transfer the print. Carol doesn't have water in the studio so I had eggy hands after separating the yolk but it's amazing what you can ignore!

David posed first and I used my traveling egg tempera kit.  He is very still. I used lots of egg yolk, working from blocks of colour to more detail. Because I didn't have a big area to mix colour on and because I had carried the loose pigment and some had intermingled, it was difficult to keep the colour fresh. We all find his beard difficult to deal with.  I thought about Anthony Williams and wondered whether I should find out what other artists do.

When Stacey arrived I needed a new egg yolk and this time I had one of my hen's eggs.  The yolk was much yellower so everything became more brown; this was a surprise.  Stacey moved back from her forward leaning position and I had to stop as everything changed.

The series of monotypes followed.

Stacey, egg tempera on prepared panel 16 x 23 cm

David, egg tempera on prepared panel 16 x 23 cm

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Plastic after plogging

I learned a new world on Facebook yesterday and it is going to be my new favourite word.  PLOGGING.

It is: 'a new pastime taking off in Sweden that sees people going for a jog, and at the same time picking up litter. You pick and you jog – hence the term ‘plog.’
Yesterday I was running with Lyra and found two 'hedge balloons' which I stopped to collect and stuff in my poo bag.  I am a plogger.  Who knew? My eyes are always peeled for that perfect piece of plastic…

In general my plastic comes from a few different routes: people bring me plastic; I save obselete plastic that I get in my life and I find plastic when i walk and run.  

This collage began with some red I got from a friend.  It suggested Matisse to me as I moved forward.  It didn't come easily but when I'd finished, I knew it was done.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A week of working across media

Sound of Alcina
I discovered that I sold both of the fused plastic pieces I was showing at the gallery in Bermondsey earlier in the week. It was timely because I was in the process of trying to make something for an open call and working in fused plastic is usually fun but sometimes is confusing in that trying to say something too specific feels forced and at the same time, I can't necessarily believe in something that comes absolutely intuitively. A sale can be a reminder to trust your instincts.
C of plastic

Sorting Plastic
You'd laugh if you walked into my studio… it is about as chaotic as it gets.  I am literally stepping on top of plastic. Things are balanced all over the place and I have many tea cups, some still full, scattered. 

I seem to be moving from one idea to the next without a pause. Yesterday I was in London all day so today, after showing the recent egg tempera to Mick and Louise for feedback, I had some ideas and wanted to work on another panel to test them out. 

Yesterday I drew in Trafalgar Square in my silent traveller in london sketchbook after spending a very enjoyable few hours with Fig's friend Jonny and went to life drawing with Mick. 

Panel 2 (day 1)
I wanted to set up something without strong darks that I could build up with lots of layers to see if I could acheive a sense of luminance that I guess is the real point of egg tempera. Mick told me Ruth uses big brushes so I blocked in very pale colours to begin with. I guess it feels more like a water colour as it is.  I have fewer small marks and more variety, I suppose, but it may be a little saccharin. It got too dark to work anymore on this today, so we will see what happens tomorrow, maybe if I can deepen the colours it will feel stronger.
Matthew, monotype 
Below quick sketches in a small sketchbook to warm me up.  My first print was a bit of a failure, but I may work back into it… I was nearly late to drawing as got so involved trying to see everything in the dark in Trafalgar square (including the colours of the pastel (no head torch) that I was horrified to see it was 5:45 when I looked at my watch.  I was convinced it wasn't even five yet.

5:45 pm Trafalgar Square

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Exploring The Surface with Egg Tempera

At the start of the week I finally got around to making some supports for egg tempera.  It required Patrick to cut MDF into even pieces and me to soak and then warm rabbit skin glue and then add whiting to make gesso.  I coated the boards the way Ruth Stage had taught me - about six layers -, sanded them down and planned to take one to my portrait group.  The nine prepared boards were going to be for nine portraits. As it turned out, our portrait group was cancelled so I adjusted  my previous still life to include a few daffodils and began.

I had forgotten that my previous experience of egg tempera was quite frustrating.  It made me even tighter than I can be. That time, I worked from a drawing, which is always hard for me.   I decided to think of this experiment as drawing with a brush rather than painting. I don't have tons of pigment.  Some of it is from limewashing the walls when Earth and Reed were in Needham Market.  Some of it I bought when I was wanting to use lime plaster on wattle and daub as a support, years ago. When I didn't have a colour I needed I took a bit of a broken pastel and crushed it in my mortar and pestle.  I had no cadmium yellow, for example. That seems to work. But I should get a good red and a good yellow for the next panel. I discovered that a Q-tip is good at rubbing back to the support white colour.  I learned that light on top doesn't seem to work, unless it's naples yellow. I used those pieces of glass from the IKEA frames leftover when I changed to UV glass, as palettes.

I worked pretty randomly, not knowing much and wonder if I went from bigger to smaller, which I kind of did, might result in more variety of strokes. That's what Anthony Williams does. Maybe you could focus the eye differently that way.

I began in the morning yesterday and then painted again last night - even though the light was totally different, finishing it off in today's light. Probably because of the colours and the brushstrokes (to me) it evokes Gaugin, or one of the Bloomsbury bunch. It's fascinating the way materials change the way you see, work and express yourself.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Basking in Doreen's Glow

Doreen, last drawing, 30 mins, pastel on paper 16 x 16cm
I was in Jane's seat today.  The table is a little small for my stuff but the light is good and the view was great today. I love drawing Doreen. I had prepared lots of pretty pieces of paper for pastel and watercolour last night. I had looked at Birdget Moore and Sargy Mann over the weekend so I was thinking in blocks of colour.  I felt more like myself.
Sue, before Doreen arrived, 5 mins, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm

 Doreen was a little late so Sue sat for us briefly.  I could have carried on drawing Sue.  Her hair made a nice shape and her colours were delicious! 
a few mins, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm
It was a bit ambitious to use watercolour in these quick poses but it made me work quickly and insisted that I really look for what was significant.
a few mins 2, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm

a few mins 3, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm

15 mins, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm
I stuck to the same basic palette all morning but mostly avoided line unless it was absolutely necessary.
15 mins 2, pastel on paper, 14 x 13cm

Doreen moving slowly, pastel on altered book page
This was the first drawing of the day and rather than do lots of shapes as Doreen walked around the room I stuck to my initial first minute pose and tried to see the room around her in comparison to the colour of her skin. I think that set me up for my final drawing and was why the room came alive.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

From Dining on Plastic to Seasonal Plastic

In December I put all the plastic bags I collected from charity shops, museums, supermarkets and the cheese shop inside one of the bags  and stashed it under my work table with the idea that I am going to do a snapshot of the months in plastic over the year. Not exactly dining on plastic, more seasonal plastic.  I wonder whether the attitude about plastic will change it, whether marketing, colour, size will change as the year wears on?

I love that the Waitrose bag had a winter theme and I chose to put some complete writing on this piece in case I decide to use it for something I am submitting to. It says holiday, winter, joyful abundance to me.

I worked in a furious sort of way following ideas one after the other for a day and half.  These are not in order of making. 

Having just spent a long time working mostly in an observational way, I enjoyed playing with all the same elements but in an inutitve and differently restricted way.  Most of these are first drafts.  I may free float them, put them on a surface and use paint to make them relate to their edge differently.  


 I wondered about mounting this one directly under glass so you could see both sides.  Which is 
'good plastic'?

And is there a male or female aesthetic in collage, in plastic? 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Art Made Now

A Few Orange things
Sometime after the Christmas, in one of my shopping opportunities in charity shops, I picked up these two unusual vases.  They are streaky grey with orange splodgy spots in a few places. My studio is full of vases and if I never drew anything else, I could draw and draw my vases. I am a collector intending to use all of my objects sometime in some way in something I make. I'm a bit obsessed.

I have a few things I want to submit to (in a few weeks) and I'm sort of trying to make work for those. In a nod to a recent exhibition where objects were on display along with output, I set up my subject trying to do three things: use those vases, make art that is on my mind now and use colour differently.  This drawing is my standard 16.5 x 16.5 cm. It is mostly what I saw,  except the blue horizon at the top was parallel to the book spine and that didn't work.