Showing posts with label My Little Bird Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Little Bird Book. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2019

Marginalia, exploration and the time all that takes

Opened Book:  My Little Bird Book, pastel on book pages, 30x19cm
 Yesterday I finished off the painting below.  It was a reaction to another painting which I began in the same spot; I added a few new things - I wanted to satisfy something that the other painting didn't have for me.  I was looking for some 'soul'. I wanted it to feel like paint. 

The drawing above is a reaction the painting below.  I set up a new still life but wanted to do something quick, spontaneous and experimental with it before I moved onto something more substantial.  It was afternoon and I knew the light wouldn't hold. I got out many books and looked for one that would be appropriate. I wanted a square format so I cut out a square piece of cardboard and put it over a few opened book pages looking for something that felt right. I prepared the book and gessoed the top pages then masked out an area with a pink/orange ground - a square in the middle. I drew and the result was a very chaotic image.  There were birds and owls on the side of each page and I selected a few words to show.  I used watercolour to create a frame around the pastel image. It didn't work.  I painted with black gouache over more of the words, some of the birds, right to the edge.  It didn't work. I extended the drawing . The end product makes me smile. The marginalia became some of the characters.  But, it was as much of a struggle as something 'more substantial'!

Oil on Canvas: Cherry Blossom Time, oil on canvas 30x30cm

This canvas is repainted over an old painting.  I began at night when the light was terrible.  I used the same paint that was already on my palette and returned to it over the course of four days.  I like it but if I go by what they say on instagram, it's not as popular as the previous one that is bright and fresh.