Showing posts with label 16X16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 16X16. Show all posts

Friday, April 5, 2013

When to stop?

The struggle over how much to say, the memory, in my ear, of Dorothy Eisner telling me not to model.  The way people like a particular painting that painted itself ... I took my pastels into the room with the loved painting and drew on top of a scan of where I'd got to on this painting in the hope of finding what should happen next, wondering if the loved painting would offer answers. Back in the studio I didn't look at the pastel result as I worked, but it had warmed me up, probably. Later I compared and took from the pastel what seemed to be missing. Still not sure if it's finished.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New beginning colour and shape

Working from drawings, imagination and parts photos I began today with charcoal. It is drawing group Monday but what with the snow and not having the regular car I decided to stay home.  
I began drawing because I wanted to consider the light and shapes. When I finished I realised I'd done what I often do, put a line down the middle of the space.  Not sure why but I thought an ironing board would unify things, create some more complication and create a reason for the woman on the chair. 
This is only a few hours of painting so will come back to it again, and probably again.