Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A typical Friday night

In response to a very theoretical but also provocative symposium on Involuntary Drawing: Art and Automatism yesterday, I did a bit of tangerine scanning and let it take me somewhere culminating in a book.  The lecture featured the film of Matisse drawing. The characters hover around orange.  And  this morning as I was just finished attaching the velcro to the intentionless tangerine closure, Figgy called to tell me she had a pivotal poetry lecture and that it doesn't matter what the writer (artist) intends.  We all make our own meaning, so there.

 'Intentionless Tangerine' cover
P2 &3

P 3 & 4
Back cover
Back envelope