Sun Trap (painted paper collage) 17 x 24 cm
While getting ready for my first exhibition at The Freudian Sheep
https://www.facebook.com/freudiansheep?fref=nf, a gallery in Ipswich that shows work by local 'upcoming' artists I've been making painted paper collages and fused plastic. When I took pieces to Jo Hollis (who frames my work), I wondered about working on thicker paper. This is my first experiment on a thick watercolour paper I had on hand. It's possible to float the piece and avoid the wrinkled feel of lighter paper. I also tried tearing, rather than cutting here.
After visiting the Diebenkorn exhibit at the RA, I felt I wanted to work bigger in fused plastic. This has been problematic because pieces don't always want to lie flat and I am not sure about how well they will hang. I experimented with sewing and gluing them onto paper and flattening them under books but the movement was compromised. I was able to make some bigger work eventually. This piece is glued onto foam board.
Solar Yoga (Fused Plastic Collage) 23 x 26 cm |